Wind energy systems offer a cushion against rising electricity prices. Venturbine Wind energy systems reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and do not emit greenhouse gases. If you are building a home in a remote location with residential usage, a small wind energy system can help you avoid the high costs of extending power lines to your property.In this case ,you can use Venturbine horizontal or vertical wind turbines systems range from 1kW to 100kW applications. Although wind energy systems require a significant investment, they can be competitive with traditional energy sources when shorter lifetimes or completely prevent operating costs are taken into account. Their payback period (the time before the savings from your system equals the cost of the system) depends on the system you choose, the amount of wind energy in your location, the electricity charges in your area besides climate conditions.

Does wind energy work for you?
Small wind turbines can be used in conjunction with transmission and distribution systems (known as grid-tied systems) or in stand-alone applications not connected to the utility grid. Grid-connected wind turbines can reduce your use of utility power for lighting, appliances, and heat. If the turbines cannot provide the required energy, the energy supplier will make up the difference. If a wind turbine produces more electricity than a household needs, the excess electricity can be sold to an energy supplier. With the interconnects available today, switching happens automatically. Standalone wind turbines may be suitable for homes, farms, or even entire neighborhoods (such as community projects) that are far from the nearest utility line. Any type of system is practical if the following conditions are met.

Conditions for stand-alone wind energy systems:
As considering you live in an area with an average annual wind speed of at least 4.0 meters per second (9 miles per hour) A network connection is not available or can only be established with an expensive extension. Transporting a power line to a remote location to connect to the power grid can be prohibitive independence from a power plant and you want to reduce the environmental impact of electricity production.
Economics of Residential Wind Turbines Residential wind turbines are a good long-term investment. But as things like electricity prices and interest rates change, you have to decide whether buying a wind farm is a sound financial decision for you. Before purchasing a wind power system, make sure you or your financial advisor have done a thorough analysis. Owners of grid-connected systems may be eligible for a small tax credit for the electricity they sell back to the utility. 1.6 cents per kWh in 1996. The National Energy Policy Act of 1992 and the Public Utilities Regulatory Policy Act of 1978 (PURPA) are programs that apply to small independent power producers. PURPA also requires facilities to sell electricity when needed. Always check with your local utility company or the National Energy Board before assuming buyback rates. Some rates in the Midwest are very low (less than $0.02/kWh), but some states have government-subsidized feed-in charges that encourage renewable energy generation. In addition, some states practice "net metering," whereby utilities buy excess capacity at the same price they sell it for. In addition, some states offer tax credits and some utilities offer rebates or other incentives that can offset the cost of purchasing and installing a wind energy system. For more information, contact your state tax department, local utility company, utility commission or local energy office.
To sum up this article,household wind turbine systems will generate most of individual usage of energy in next upcoming years.